jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012


Bien, y en honor al "mesesario" de nuestro enlace matrimonial, PASTEL VOLTEADO DE PIÑA! Evidentemente no me bastó el pay de cereza, asi que puse manos a la obra y voilá!

En realidad la boda, siendo solo por el civil, no ha podido quedarseme en la cabeza. Creo que fue el 23 de abril, pero por alguna razon, sigo prefiriendo celebrar la fecha en que nos conocimos. Probablemente porque fue el momento en que mi vida realmente tuvo un cambio drástico y radical y significa mucho mas que la firma en el papel.

Si bien fue un buen dia, prefiero seguir celebrando el 18 de julio de 2007.

Crimen de cereza

Pues bien, comence este año muy lejos de querer hacer dieta. Asi que celebré el inicio del 2012 con un bellisimo pay de cereza que no me costo gran cosa hacer. Esas conservas de cereza son las mejores que he probado en mi vida y espero volverlo a hacer, aunque esten carisimas.

Ni que decir que me lo comi sola porque a mi maridin no le gustan las cerezas, y mi peque pues no le dejo comer tanto pastel XD


miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010


We're back. Back from another fall into the abyss. This time, we wanted to make it all so different, and well... I am stil unsure of what and how it all happened.

Not getting into much detail because for some reason I seem unable to describe it, all I can say is I have the most splendid man I have met so far. We do many things wrong. We fight some times for no reason at all and it sucks and has to stop. But also, I cannot imagine a life away from him.

Two weeks ago, giving a step forward he took out his wallet and down with his pride and came with something I had been waiting for all this time. He said he wanted to wait until dinner but couldn't do it any more, so he took it out of somewhere and right there, at his parent's living room, in a very non-glamorous outfit, he handed me the little white box containing the most beautiful ring ever and after a little speech I can hardly remember for the impression, asked me to marry him.

I have yet no picture of that ring, besides, it says up there it's currently disabled due to maintenance, so I will update with the picture later.

I must confess I'm kinda scared to wear it after he told me they'd cut off my finger my hand for it... so I won't be wearing it unless I'm with him XD

I'm most excited. Despite of the fact it was a terrible proposal, I mean, in a living room in lazy clothes!! But the thing is he did it and what he said to me simply melted me. Nevermind the clothing, nevermind the place... Romantic applies to many situations and things, as many as there are people, and I can proudly say it was indeed romantic.

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

ne! ne!

Here we are, back in the track, with a new design and new bright ideas. Although I am really not sure how to put them into practice. I find it difficult to start any new projects all the time, but I hope everything turns out alright...

I have to confess I'm still kinda bored of the net. I think I haven't found anything new and everything has become just the same all over and over again. Tired of myspace, even when I changed layout twice already. Tired of Facebook, where I wish I could change the boring layout... well... doesn't matter.

Ah, I have to tell you! I found a new site where you can submit your designs for cloting, being dresses, skirts, shirts, or whatever you want. It's kind of a contest. If people vote you YES enough times, they could select your design to be part of their prototype line, and if that happens, they'll send a prototype of your design for free. And if after that they pick your design for production, you'll win $500 USD! It's cool, but there's a lot of competence.

Also, you can bid on certain designs. I win a bid last week and I'm waiting for my dress... I hope the mail won't steal it like before (>_>) that sucks!

Check the site at www.chicstar.com

Finally home sweet home... or sort of...

Al fin, nos dieron la casa despues de casi seis meses de espera. Bueno, fueron cuatro, pero como tuve que esperar dos meses para que estuvieran los servicios listos, fueron dos meses de fatidica espera en condiciones incomodas de las que no dare detalles, solo espero que no se vuelva a repetir.

Como sea, finalmente nos mudamos a mitad de junio y fue la aventura del año arreglar el desastre que parecia que un huracan había pasado por allí, pero al fin sucedio, y aunque no puedo decir que esta como yo quiero, pero por lo menos las cosas tienen algo asi como un lugar.

Ahora, intento pintar la casa. Nos tomo un mes y un poco mas ponerle sellador y ahora me ocupo de pintar los techos y darle una pasada de pintura blanca a la pared para que cuando le ponga la de color no consuma demasiado, paredes nuevas, ya saben... Ah... bueno... Lento pero seguro, alla vamos. Hemos tenido problemas porque la impermeabilizacion no estuvo muy bien hecha, pero fuera de eso, la casa es linda... Casas Rucer se lucio con un buen diseno, equilibrado y funcional, aunque deberian ser menos tacaños con el tamano de los terrenos. Que lástima.